How do I grow my beard? How DHT can help you.

how do i grow an awesome beard whats dht safe

Why can’t I grow a beard like yours?

This is something that a lot of young men wonder about when they hit that age. Growing up you might have seen your dad rock that beard and thought to yourself “one day, I am going to be just like him!” now that you are a young man and unable to grow that beard, you might get disappointed by it. Well, I am here to tell you, all is not lost.
You are made up of the genetics of your immediate family, “gene recipe”. That means each of us has a unique set of chemical blueprints affecting how our body looks and functions. These blueprints are contained in our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), long, spiral-shaped molecules found inside every cell. DNA carries the codes for genetic information and is made of linked pieces (or subunits) called nucleotides.

Your dad has that genetic gift for beards. You either don’t have it, or it hasn’t kicked in yet. In most cases, the young men who contact me in their early 20s or late teens. Just because their peers are blessed with a beard at their age, they compare themselves to others. Age, genetics and body conditions play a big part in beard growth. I do not know how old you are, for some men it could take longer than others to grow a beard. What I can tell you is that you can create a perfect body condition for your beard to grow.

To understand this, we need to first break down why a beard grows.

The number one condition for anyone to grow facial hair is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). So let’s look at what DHT do? DHT is an offshoot of testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that’s available in both men and women. Both of these are androgens or hormones that contribute to male sex characteristics when you go through puberty.

Here are a few key characteristics you gain overtime with DHT:

– deep voice
– increase body muscle mass
– body and facial hair
– growth of the penis and testicles as the sperm production begins
– alterations in how fat is stored in your body

DHT is a hormone with powerful androgenic properties. This important hormone plays a role in puberty and helps men develop their adult male characteristics.

Problems related to Dihydrotestosterone:

Sometimes both men and women can struggle with high levels of dihydrotestosterone, which stems from excess testosterone production. In men, high levels cause few identifiable changes. However, women who have high dihydrotestosterone levels may have issues with the excess body and facial hair. They may also struggle with adult acne and menstruation. A dihydrotestosterone inhibitor may be able to help restore natural levels of the dihydrotestosterone hormone. (source)

Now that we know what Testosterone and DHT are, let’s look at how can increase these levels for our benefit.

Eat right

There are several benefits to eating the right type of food. The main reason is you are eating right is because you need to get the right nutrient into your body. Nutrients play a major role in maintaining your hormone levels your body requires. Think of it as the fertiliser for your hair. So, try to include the following in your daily meals. Eggs, beans, beef, cereal and greens.

Eggs because it has a higher level of nutrients you need. Remember the first Rocky movie? how he used to break eggs right after his workout in the morning? you don’t need to drink take raw eggs or egg smoothies. Just include scrambled eggs or egg yolks into your diet. It has plenty of protein your body needs and low in calories.


A staple for any Kaveman. Just a steak would give you a healthy amount of nutritional boost to increase your testosterone levels. People who eat meat have more growth, it helps muscle gains & fat loss and provides you with the energy that you need. Make sure you get the right cuts and quality beef. Eating low-quality beef might even lower your testosterone levels.


If you are iffy about including meat in your diet for some reason. Try this on for size! Beans have plenty of vitamin, D and zinc. It is also packed with nutrients, for a vegetarian, this is a great addon for your heart.

Leafy greens

Another great addition to your diet. Listen to your mum, “eat your greens kid!” it is indeed an important part of any healthy diet. They’re not only packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre but also low in calories. Green leaves like spinach are high in magnesium, which is another nutrient associated with higher testosterone levels. Other benefits of leafy greens are: reduce risk of heart disease, lowers the risk of obesity, reduce stress and also blood pressure.

Cruciferous vegetables

As you age, your testosterone levels get lower and your estrogen levels increase. It’s best to include these in your diet because vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, turnip and cabbage tend to help with testosterone levels by reducing estrogen levels.


Sometimes fresh vegetables are hard to come by. If you like me, I like cereals in the morning. Whole-grain cereals made from oats, corn, wheat and rice are packed with much-needed vitamins. Vitamin D, folic acid is added to these along with other nutrients. These added benefits will help you with your heart health and keep that cholesterol levels in check. Make sure you check the nutrition table on the back of the pack. Not all brands are great so make sure you know what you are buying.

Now that we have covered the nutrients and meals. let’s talk about other ways we can increase our testosterone levels.


HIIT / High-intensity interval training exercise. Over the years I have tried different types of work out methods, this is by far the favourite.
Studies have shown that HIIT workout has the benefit of increasing T levels in men. So if you are looking for a way to get rid of that extra weight this is a great start. If you are a beginner, start with Tabata workout plans then gradually work your way up to HIIT.


This is a no-brainer, but a great deal of research has been conducted on this subject over the years. Research has shown that lifting heavier weights is the best form of exercise to boost testosterone and help balance your estrogen levels. Dr. Jadick said: “As muscle mass increases, it will trigger the body to produce more testosterone.” (source)

I suggest mixing up both HIIT, Tabata and weight lifting, doing so will not only enhance testosterone but will also promote a healthy heart.

You also want to avoid doing cardio workouts for a longer time. “Chronic endurance exercise — such as cycling or running for hours — has been shown to decrease testosterone,” says Dr. Jadick. “ (source)

This does not mean completely stop everything you do. I’d recommend working on your plan and make slight changes based on your goals.

Lower body fat

As you eat right and workout your body fat levels get to reasonable levels. Body fat carries estrogens another hormone that is an offshoot of testosterone. Unfortunately, estrogen won’t positively help you (source).
So it’s best to keep it in control by lowering your body fat. By doing all the above you will have testosterone-producing more DHT which is what we are after. DHT will also stop testosterone from producing estrogen so it’s a win-win situation…

Get some shut-eye!

Even plants need night time to grow. So make sure you get some good night sleep. This is different from one person to another, there are so many debates about how much sleep you need. As we get older, this is something we neglect as well. On average try to get somewhere between 7 to 10 hours per night and every night. If you don’t get enough sleep on a day, try to make up for it over the weekend. This is a must, your body needs to heal, grow and rejuvenate.

Let it grow!

I can’t emphasize enough how important is just letting your damn beard grow. Like a leaf on a plant, once its cycle is over the hair will fall off. The follicle will stay active for another 2 to 3 months so another hair can grow in that place and the process then repeats. That hair will be stronger and healthier than before due to the nutrients you feed your body. Most of the young men I speak to tell me that their growth has not improved over the few weeks or few months of applying oil. In most cases, they tend to either trim their beard to shape as it grows. My advice is to let it grow, and let the natural cycle complete. If you are just starting your beard journey and you want a healthier beard. Just give it time, keep your razor and trimmer away. Use a comb or a brush to style your beard during the first few months of the year.

Seek professional help

Maybe if you think you are genetically challenged when it comes to T levels in your body. You might want to get it checked. If it’s below the average, your doctor might be able to give you some professional advice like TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy).

Avoid DHT blocking products

Start looking at what ingredients blocks DHT. From what you eat to what you apply to your skin. There are a lot of beard oils, shampoos and skincare products with ingredients that would reduce or block your DHT. Using these will only stunt your growth. Here’s a quick list of things you should look out for if you are suffering from slow beard growth.

DHT blocking foods:

– Green tea
– Coconut oil
– Onions (and other foods rich in quercetin)
– Turmeric
– Pumpkin seeds
– Edamame
– Caffeine

DHT blocking oils:

– Argan oil
– Coconut oil
– Tea tree oil
– Rosemary oil
– Lavender oil

DHT-safe beard oils and products

As you all know we at Kavemen try to make something new every day, we like to solve real-life problems and make the best products for our fellow Kavemen. As we did more and more research into this issue, we found a gap in the market for DHT-safe beard oils. Yes, there are plenty of products out there that offers you beard growth. But, none of them has done their true research (which isn’t a lot). So we decided to make our own DHT-safe beard oil to make things easier for you. Again, this is not a simple solution for a complex issue. So as I mentioned above, there are a lot more things that happen in your body that will help your beard growth. What we want to make sure of is that by having this oil you won’t have to worry about blocking the already existing growth by using an incorrect product. We have two fragrances of DHT-Safe beard growth oils to help you guys out. We are cooking few other products as well (shhh…).

But, hey! I just got here to get my beard grown. I know it’s easy to believe all these adverts and buy some “too good to be true” product and expect your beard to grow in two weeks. Well like I said, too good to be true. Everyone’s body is different, and we are all at different stages of our lives. My advice is to learn how your body operates, as you get older this will have a significant impact on your life. Take your time and adapt as much as you can. I know none of these can be done overnight, you will get there eventually in your own time and on your own. Above all, accept you for who you are! there’s nothing wrong with having a patchy beard or no beard at all. Rock the style that works for you. Have practical expectations and goals. Making these small changes in your lifestyle may get you a bit closer to your goal, as a bonus you will end up with a healthier lifestyle.

Comments (2)

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