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update about coverage kavemen

Update – Islandwide Delivery Available For All Orders

With the curfew being lifted in areas in Sri Lanka and everyone's going back to work. Our logistic partners at Aramex are able to expand to outer regions of Colombo as well. Good news is that most of the deliveries within Colombo are still able to deliver to your doorstep within 1-3 working days.Aramex is still running with a skeleton crew, so there are slight delays in deliveries to be expected. We believe it should take 3-7 working days to deliver anywhere outside Colombo. You will receive a tracking code which will be active within 48 hours from dispatch and you are able to track the progress by visiting: www.aramex.comWe hope to maintain regular order shipments as best we can, and we appreciate your patience.Stay Well & Stay Safe!Sabreen Rezvie (Founder)
improvise adapt overcome kavemen blog

Improvise Adapt Overcome

To our dear customers & friends,At Kavemen, we strive to keep you informed every step of the way. As a family-owned and run business, our team is our number one priority. Their health and safety are paramount. We also feel a tremendous social responsibility to take every step necessary to slow the spread of Covid-19. To that end, we have empowered our staff to work remotely during this difficult time.We are exceptionally fortunate as our partners have not been directly impacted at this time. We managed to stock up on enough supplies to continue our production. We are working on some amazing products with the ingredients we have at our lab. Stay tuned, we will get back to you on that very soon.We know that this is a great time to grow that beard, so to support our community we have dropped our prices on all products. And are shipping out all orders within 1-3 days, processing returns, and committed to producing your exceptional customer care and support as always. We have temporarily are limited to our delivery to Colombo and its suburbs. Feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions.As we move forward into this new landscape, we want to let you know that we are taking care of our production crew, vendors and suppliers that depend on us. We are working on some new recipes and products. As a result of our hard work, we have managed to release a few new fragrances, accessories and new soaps. It’s a milestone that we had in our sight for a long time. :)Our mission is to still to provide you with a seamless, stress-free experience, so you have the access to the finest product for your hair, body and beard. Early this week we upgraded our website - designed and developed in less than a month. Our objective was to create a website that reflects who we are now, rather than who we were two years ago. Key aims were to clarify messaging around our mission, improve load times and improve accessibility. Feel free to check out our new website and let us know if you have any feedback.We appreciate the support, you have given us through the years. Stay safe.“Improvise adapt overcome - in other words, if it doesn't work, think up a new plan. It's the key to survival.“ Bear Grills OG KavemanCheers! Sabreen (Kavemen Founder)
when to apply a beard oil kavemen

Why Using Beard Oil Is Such An Important Thing

Today I want to talk about why should you grow a beard, or let it grow. Most importantly why using beard oil is such an important thing.A little disclaimer: I realise that beard oil is a very specific tool and it implies a liquidy oil-based product that we apply to our beards, but for the sake of this article, I’m using the term beard oil as an umbrella term to refer to any oil-based product that we apply to our beards. This can be beard oil, beard balm, butter, wax. Now each of these has its own benefits but at their core, they offer you the same thing and that’s moisture. That is what we’re addressing today.Now that we got that out of the way let’s get started. Our skin is absolutely amazing! Our skin not only protect our insides from what’s happening on the outside, but it also protects itself from what’s happening on the outside. Our beards being an extension of our skin are not excluded from this. To show you what I mean, we need to get up close and personal with what’s going on with our beard. But the problem with that is it’s a closer that you get to our face the more you realize that beard growth is the process of anatomy and physiology working together in tandem. Here’s a more simplistic representation of what is going on with our beards as they grow.Hair is a composition of the compressed protein called keratin, it’s the same stuff that our fingernails are made of. It composed of three layers: The Cuticle, The Cortex, The inner Medulla.View Hair Follicle hair-follicle Down at the bottom is the bulb. The skin sheath which is actually called the follicle. Now, most people think the follicle is the hair itself, but that is a common misconception. The little pocket is called a sebaceous gland, this is where the magic happens. In a sebaceous gland, the sole purpose in life is to produce an oily or waxy substance called sebum. And sebum sole purpose in life is to offer our skin and our hair nourishment and moisture.So what happens without this moisture? Well, Our skin dries out and that’ll lead to an increase in dead skin accumulation. Then that skin begins to flake and that’s called (beard/hair) dandruff. Hair dries out and it becomes brittle. It’ll start to break and we’ll get an increase in split ends. The skin hair connection becomes weak and hair begins to fall out. These are pretty nasty things nobody wants, so thanks to sebaceous glands and sebum you don’t have to worry about these things.So why is our skin doing this? why is our skin trying so hard to protect the hair that’s growing out of it? Well, that’s because the hair is protecting our skin. Skin by itself is amazing! it protects us against environmental hazards, such as bacteria and some forms of pollution. Because of the sebaceous glands in the sebum, it creates a waterproof layer that prevents all the moisture from leaving ourselves and turning us into human jerky. But skin, despite its many strengths is very susceptible to the most common form of an environmental hazard. It’s a hazard that we need to survive, it’s called the sun skin cancer. It’ is the most common devastation of the disease and the sun is the most common cause of skin cancer. Our beards are a built-in facial sunscreen that can block out as much as 50-95% of the sun’s cancer-causing UV rays. So that’s why our skin tries so hard to protect the hair that’s growing out of it and yet so many men are shaving it off, It’s a shame really. So yes, using beard oil is very important. It lightens the load in our sebaceous glands because they can only produce a very limited amount of sebum. Yeah, it’s important, it’s easy to use, it’s readily accessible. You can find beard products literally everywhere online or you could always make your own. So next time someone asks you why are you growing a beard, you can give an insight into how your beard not only makes look good but also protect you from all these nasty things.
too hot for a beard.

Warm Weather? Keep Calm And Grow A Beard!

That burning, itchy, and messy feeling can be difficult to deal with. All you want to do is just shave the whole thing off, apply some cool aftershave. A pretty straightforward solution one would say, to keep you tip-top to the point. However, if we look beyond the usual norm and myth that during warm weather, a beard is a liability, we can understand that having a beard is actually an opportunity to keep you protected, healthy, and most importantly keep your face cool. Well, that’s a contradictory theory to the aforesaid and requires an in-depth analysis to elucidate. Your beard is a gift! Do not give it up that easily. We at Kavemen Labs are dedicated to helping you preserve, protect and cherish your beard while adding fuel to your desire to grow, and overwhelm the reasons to shave.Growing a beard, and grooming it, will help balance the heat you take, and protect you from the harmful UV rays that could damage your skin and cause diseases like acne, rashes and even skin cancer. Your face is the most vulnerable area of your body exposed towards the sun. Hence protecting it is of utmost importance. The beard acts as an insulation and provides layers of protection from the heatwaves, like a Coconut. A Coconut husk protects and keeps the water cool and safe inside. Back in 2012, a study by professors at The University of Queensland found that beards can protect you from 90 to 95 per cent of the sun's harmful UV rays with a UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) of up to 21. (source) An interesting fact to ponder on. Think twice before you grab that razor and de-husk.

Not a bacterial sponge, but a bacterial filter!

Grow a beard, not a broom brush. The moment you do not groom and tend your beard it will turn into a nightmare. Even if you have a beard or not, grooming is an important aspect to keep your face radiant and vibrant. Instead, negligence would turn your beard into a filthy, messy, and smelly bacterial sponge. Make sure you give it a wash frequently and scrub it. Use a beard shampoo to cleanse and get rid of any Beadruff (Dandruff on Beard). This way it will act as a perfect bacterial filter that would protect your face from infections. Washing your beard frequently will help your face cool down and keep it fresh, as your beard act as an evaporating agent where water is preserved for a longer period than on naked skin. The water flows through the beard and then evaporates. This creates a sustained cooling effect that would keep your face moist and cool. There’s no cooling agent in between when you clean shave, hence heating your face more rapidly.

Grooming like a Pro!

Grooming does not need a big investment. All you need is dedication and love for yourself. Beard grooming is a subtle topic compared to more generalised grooming. There are some grooming tips we would like to share with you. This will help you conquer the hot weather while preserving your precious beard. Always give it a good wash. Rinse it with a mild shampoo. Ruffle your beard, and let water seep into your skin. Always use beard oil. Wherever you go, whatever you take, do not forget your beard oil. Make sure your beard is not wet when applying oil. Applying oil on your damp beard helps the beard to absorb all nourishing ingredients the oil contains. Always use a comb. Do not comb in a robust motion, but rather a slow rhythmic motion. It helps your beard to be organized and groomed. Also, the oil gets evenly spread and creates a cool soothing feeling.Give a quick snip snap trim if there is a rouge hair or two. This way the beard will be uniform and primed. Look cool in the hot weather! Usage of beard balms will eliminate bacteria and protect your face from acne. It also creates a soothing sensation that would keep you refreshed and vibrant on a hot summer day. Another fringe benefit offered through beard balm is healthy blood circulation between facial muscles and helps you relax.

Kavemen tell no lies!

The ancient kavemen were able to withstand adverse cold weather and scorching hot climate. Their first line of defence was their beard protecting their face and helping them be vigilant and fresh always. Coordination between their facial muscles was at supreme autonomy. Kavemen labs are unravelling the ancient ways of grooming whilst creating a harmonious symphony with modern science to produce Kavemen products. Our alchemists are dedicated to producing modern, yet natural products to suit your grooming needs. Just log into and join the beard tribe!
bought a beard oil now what kavemen.

Bought Yourself A Beard Oil? Now What?

For the love of beard, you took the leap of faith with Kavemen! You got yourself a beard oil. Cool! Now what? Do you just apply it all over? How many times to apply? Need to mix it? so many questions pop into your head, right? Do not worry, we will help you and not let you wander alone in this natural way of life.

Beard Oil Every Day, Keeps The Razor Away!

As you get out of the home you slip in your wallet and phone to your pocket. From now on do not forget your beard oil too. That’s Rule No.1, to get the maximum out of your beard oil. Kavemen beard oil bottles are designed in a slick way, that makes it easy to tuck into your pocket. Use it frequently to get the best results. Your beard will show, and your personality will grow!We dissected the beard-growing technique into 4 main areas of grooming. They are namely; Timing, Quantity, Application and Intervals. As a promise towards superior grooming, we at Kavemen will be enlightening you on how to use your beard oil based on the aforementioned 4 focus areas.

Timing is everything!

The perfect time to slap your beard (Now be careful, do not slap yourself literally) with some beard oil would be immediately after a bath. Especially when your beard is damp and your skin is moist. Your skin is plump for a beard oil to penetrate soon after a bath. Like a sponge, your skin will absorb the oil straight into your beard roots. Strong and clean beard roots are of utmost importance for a perfect beard.

Do not overdo it, or not do it! Perfect Quantity is Key

Tilt your beard oil bottle towards your open palms, wait for it, and let the drops fall into your hands. 1 or 2 drops will not be sufficient, while 3 to 5 will be the perfect blend. How long and dense your beard also affects how many drops to use. But never forget a little drop goes a long way.

Application Guidelines

Application of beard oil ain’t just a splash, rub and pull. Your beard is a gift, and it needs to be given utmost care. To start the application as discussed previously, tilt your beard oil bottle towards your open palms, wait for it, and let the drops fall into your hands. Next, rub your hands and let the oil run through your fingers as well. Keep rubbing till you feel a mild warmth on your palms and start applying from root to tip. Run your fingers through your beard and gently massage your face. It just feels relaxing and listen to some calm soundtrack while you do it. Depending on your beard length use a comb as well on a slow rhythmic motion.

How Often to Use? Again, Timing is important!

Timing and how often to use depends on a scenario by scenario. The factors that would determine usage are; How long have you been using beard oil, weather conditions, and occasions. On a general scale once a day would be sufficient. However, if you using for the first time It helps your beard settle and tone to the nourishment supplied by the oil, and it's simply soothing to do (It is! We cross our hearts). During hot and in cold dry weather using it more than once would be prudent, as beard oil helps to keep the skin fresh and preserve moisture. In an unfortunate scenario your skin suffers from a fungal skin infection, we recommend 2 to 3 times a day of beard oil usage, or wash with some pine tar soap. The herbal extracts included will soothe your skin and heal like a prayer. In case you are anticipating a special occasion (Weddings, Graduation, Date etc) we recommend grabbing a beard balm. Now do not forget your moustache. After all the effort on your beard you do not want to underline your shabbiness through your moustache, do you? Apply some styling balm and twist it like a pro!

Kavemen tell no lies!

No matter what the occasion is, what day of the calendar year, or the weather conditions you are, Our alchemists are dedicated to producing modern, yet natural products to suit your grooming needs. Just log into and join the beard tribe!
patchy beard mistakes kavemen

Top 5 Patchy Beard Mistakes To Avoid

So you absolutely love your beard. You’ve taken so much time and effort to carefully let it grow out and you are proud of it. Then one day, you walk to the mirror and see a patch! Oh No! What’s wrong with your beard? The answer – there is nothing ‘wrong’ with your beard, and patchy beards are way more common than you would imagine. Here’s why patchy beards happen and what you can do about it so that you can enjoy it and be proud of it for years to come.

Mistake 01: Not letting your beard grow

Like we said before, patchy beards are quite common. A lot of men have this, it’s that they never notice it under the growth. Also, a lot of the time, men think that their beards are patchy when all it actually is, is still growing. Beards take a longer time to fill out than you think and you need to be patient. Fight that urge to shave it clean because you think it’s patchy. If you actually do have a patchy beard, there are loads of facial hairstyles that you could try out. Having a ‘corporate beard’ or ‘stubble style beard’ are both great examples of how you can do this.

Mistake 02: Being impatient with your beard

Your beard will not grow at the same rate all around. It will grow fast and dense in some places. In others, it will take a lot longer to grow out. Don’t give up too soon. Sometimes, it only takes a couple of weeks from now, for your beard to grow out and cover up those patchy areas. All good things take time. So instead of shaving it all off because you see a few patches be patient. The longer your beard gets, the denser it will become. Of course, you might feel a little awkward with the patchiness in the beginning. But, if you let it be, you’re going to enjoy a glorious beard, down the line.

Mistake 03: Comparing your beard to others

A big mistake that you will do is comparing your beard to others. Don’t even go there. Everyone is different. Every beard has its strengths and weaknesses. Also, your genetics are a contributing factor to your beard and you have no control over this. Like everything else, the more you compare, the worse you will feel. You are you. Remember that and appreciate what you have. Grow your beard for yourself and because you love having a beard. forget everyone else. Their opinion about your beard is not important. Even if it is still a little patchy, wear your beard with confidence. That’s all it takes to completely transform your vibe.

Mistake 04: Beard oils are real. Beard growth oils are not

If you have a beard and if you have done your research on how to maintain it, you would have heard about the growth oil. It’s important that you understand the difference between a Beard Oil and a “Beard Growth Oil”. Beard oils are marketed with honesty. The intention is to nourish your beard, soothe the skin underneath, provide all the benefits to your skin and hair. This helps your beard to be healthy and better. So-called Beard Growth Oils claim to increase your beard growth, fast, like in days or weeks. Not going to happen. Your beard cannot magically grow out in two weeks by 70% simply because you applied a topical lotion. There is, of course, the hair-loss product usage on the face - will discuss that in another time.

Mistake 05: Not maintaining your beard

Your beard needs love. It needs maintaining. Using beard oils, balms and similar high-quality natural products on a regular basis is good for your beard. You also need to look after the skin underneath. If you don’t it could dry out or even catch a fungal infection. Keep your beard clean always. Groom it well. Just like your hair, your beard needs to be cared for as well. Beards are awesome, we strongly believe that. Beards are not easy to grow, we know that too. But with the right commitment and patience, you can enjoy a well-grown, healthy and attractive beard. To make sure that happens eventually, learn to rock your look from day one. Even if it looks slightly patchy. Keep Growing Beardies!
guide to no shave november kavemen

The Kavemen’s Guide To No Shave November

It’s that time of the year again beard lovers and with November, it’s time to get hairy! No-Shave November is here once more and we’re looking forward to seeing you beardos with your glorious beards. But how many of you guys actually know about the concept behind No-Shave November and why it happens? So, here’s a little know-why from our end that will give you a quick and thorough guide to No Shave November, the reason behind it and how you can prepare for it.Alright, so the earliest records of something similar to the modern-day No Shave November dates back to ancient Greece. Of course, there was no such thing as a month November, the concept is quite similar. It is said the Guardians spent 30 days imitating the image of their gods to develop their education. This was later expanded by Aristotle to include the growing of beards at that time as an ethical practice.But, the modern-day No Shave November that we celebrate can be traced all the way back to a group of men in Australia in 2004, who worked to raise awareness for prostate cancer by growing their moustaches for 30 days. This is something that most cancer patients are unable to do because of their treatments, and this move was called “Movember”. It is slightly different to No-Shave November in that, if a person takes part in Movember they can only and only grow their moustache. But No Shave November, on the other hand, includes that participants do not shave at all for an entire month, growing out a beard. It also entails that men act like gentlemen for these 30 days! (wait, what? You guys do that every day right?)The coolest thing about No-Shave November is that a lot of people around the world actually end up donating money that they would have otherwise spent on grooming materials for their beards to cancer research and education. Now ain’t that gentlemanly behaviour? So if you’re planning on taking part in No Shave November, here are a few things you can do to spread the beard and the awareness at the same time.

How to spread awareness for No-Shave November

Educate others about the history and significance of No-Shave November. Many people just think of it as a trend, but the real cause behind it is very much humanitarian.Don’t cheat! Love and embrace your beard and be grateful for the fact that you are healthy enough to grow it. Like we say at Kavemen’s “Don’t be weird, just grow that damn beard!”Donate the money you saved for the right cause. Do a bit of research to see where and how you can donate the money you saved for prostate cancer research.

Manscaping tips to help you prepare for No-Shave November

Nobody said that this was going to be easy peasy. You’re going to grow out that beard and for some of you, this may just be a first! So manscape your way through No Shave November with these helpful tips that will get you started on the prep right away!Get the right tools like beard combs for example so that you can avoid your beard from getting matted or looking like it just doesn’t get enough care.Comb your beard daily. Train your beard to grow in one direction evenly by combing it down from your moustache area all the way towards your chin. Do this daily. It will also massage your facial hair follicles and activate oil in the skin that can do wonders for your beard.Wash your beard regularly. Stay away from harsh chemicals and shampoos and use the right beard wash and care products to remove any dandruff or possible infections and also to moisturize and give it the nutrients it needs.Even though it is No Shave November, your work calls you to look well-groomed we are sure. Therefore consider the shape of your face because you might want to train your beard to grow in the perfect way to suit the shape of your face and enhance that bone structure. Some quick research is all it takes.Again, if needed for work reasons, use a pair of clippers to trim the beard slightly so you look like a really professional beardo.Neckscaping or fading your beard from above the Adam’s Apple is important to give your beard a more polished up look. Use clippers for the fading and stretch out the skin on your neck because otherwise it will bunch up and you might get hurt.Moisturize daily and you won’t regret it when you miss out on the itchiness and the inflammation. Check out oils that you can use and avoid common rookie mistakes that can lead to dandruff and itchiness.Found our guide useful? Why don’t you let us know your thoughts on No Shave November too? After all, we are all about the beard and sharing for the love of the beard is caring in Kavemen’s world. Oh and check out our range of all-natural beard grooming products on your way too.Happy No Shave November fellow beardos. Rock that beard!!!
what is beard balm why use one

What Is A Beard Balm & What’s The Use Of It?

Time and time again we get asked about our products. People always want to know what our beard balms do, the benefits they have, why they are so necessary and we even get asked if our products do what they claim to do – the answer to which is HELL YES, btw! And one thing we always say, time and time again is; for the love of beard, Kavemen’s beard balm isn’t a want, it is an absolute NEED! If you’re entirely new to the whole beard thing and have decided to grow your beard on a whim, we’re pretty sure right now, you’re just taking it as it comes, unsure of where to even begin. I mean, growing a beard isn’t that big a deal right? You just don’t cut it, and let it grow, and voila – beard perfection! Right? Wrong!Manscaping is an actual thing, and the male grooming industry is growing because of it. Who decides to grow an unruly, unkempt beard? In our opinion, no one should! With products like beard oils, beard balms, beard waxes, beard washes and more out there, you’ve got no excuse to not maintain that damn beard, and keep it looking the best it could be!We do however get how the plethora of male grooming products could confuse you. For someone who has gone 25+ years using just one generic brand of shampoo, picking out products that could give you the beard of your dreams can be daunting, and if you’re indecisive, heavy on the wallet too! Beard balms are a great grooming accessory for all you modern beardsmen out there. Essential for anyone serious about growing the perfect beard, beard balms are functional and versatile, they help moisturize, they’re easy to use and are great for styling, and they are the only protection your beard truly needs!But wait! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, first things first, let’s start off with what a beard balm is exactly and what it consists of.Essentially a leave-in conditioner for the beard, beard balms are made from four key ingredients: Carrier Oil, Essential Oil, Beeswax and Butter, each of which contributes to the balm’s properties in different ways. While the oil in the beard balm conditions the beard hair and helps with growth, the butter used assists in moisturizing and softening the hair and improves overall texture, keeping it healthy and smelling great. The beeswax in the balm seals in the moisture given off by the balm’s other ingredients, and nourishes the hair, giving it some added shine and keeping it not only looking but feeling healthy too.Now, on to what it actually does, its benefits and why most beardsmen swear by it.Beard balms are in general meant to enhance the texture of your beard, and keep it looking healthy and pretty great. They also, however, serve multiple other purposes, from moisturizing it and keeping it soft and hydrated, to healing any skin irritations to even getting rid of the dreaded beardruff.Beard oil and beard balm are both great for achieving that perfect beard you’ve always wanted, but why do beard balms have a bit of a leg up? When it comes to beardsmen with medium to largely sized beards, the balm’s higher viscosity and thick texture are just two things that make it more of a must-have than beard oil. Beard balm takes a longer time to absorb, which means that it gives your beard hair the nourishment it requires from the inside out, locking in moisture and keeping it hydrated throughout the day.

Beard balm for beard taming

Its thickness and texture help get your beard on fleek and keeps it that way throughout the day! Not only does it hold down stubborn fly-aways, and reduces fizziness, but it also helps make your tough to tame, rough-around-the-edges facial hair look sleek and salon-worthy.

Beard balm as a beard moisturiser

Now anyone who has grown a beard, or has tried to, knows that it’s not just about looking after your beard hair, but also the skin under your beard. Skin irritation and itchiness are extremely common when growing a beard. This is where the versatility of a beard balm comes in. It not only nourishes and moisturizes your beard but also acts as a moisturizer to the skin underneath it, which means you won’t need to go out and buy yourself another product to deal with your dry, irritated skin. Beard balms can also be used to keep tattoos looking vibrant and to slow down the fading process.

Beard balm as a beard softener

Does your beard look dry and just plain ragged and damaged? Once you start using a beard balm, the change is going to surprise you! Your beard hair will start looking shiny and healthy, and your split ends will disappear! A little beard balm a day, with some regular trimming, and your beard will look real spiffy before you even know it!

Beard balm for preventing beardruff and soothe the skin

When you start growing a beard, and it starts getting longer, you’ll notice the skin underneath it getting dry, itchy and flaky. This is because the sebum oil that your body naturally produces is being sucked up by your beard hair. The sebum oil production won’t be able to live up to the pace at which your beard is growing, and the longer it grows, the drier your skin becomes, resulting in the all too exasperating beardruff, and unbearable irritation. And no matter how manly you think you are, these issues will drive you up the wall, and get you re-thinking your decision to grow a beard. But don’t worry, getting rid of the beard isn’t a necessary solution! A beard balm is. Beard balms are meant to combat all of these pesky problems. The ingredients in the balm will hydrate from follicle to tip, resulting in a healthy, dandruff-free and itch-free beard!So, does that answer your question of what does beard balm do? A beard balm is a perfect product to give your hair and skin the extra love and attention they require! Kavemen’s beard balms are a 100% organic and are sure to suit all of your beard needs, no matter what!Warning: Once you join our tribe, there’s no going back! 🙂
how to apply beard oil guide kavemen

When To Apply Beard Oil – A How To Guide

Beard oil application is critical in determining how good your beard will look like. It’s true every man wishes to have a soft, impressive beard and this often goes down to buying beard oil in order to be achieved, because beards just like any other hair types need care in order to be healthy. Beard oil application is more than a fundamental in determining the health and appearance of your beard. Beard oil, of course, is a factor too but just like any other medicinal application you have to know the right prescription and stick to it in order to get the best results you want to achieve. Beard oil application is more of a drug prescription but very closely related to mother nature. Nature is the core factor that influences beard oil application and this is what will determine how great your beard stands out in your group of men applying the same beard oil.Here’s where all the magic lies! And so let’s get down to business.Beard oil application is always recommended to be done shortly after a shower. This prescription is solely based on nature; talk about humidity in the atmospheric air that’s it. This is the major issue you should be looking at when applying your beard oil. Beard oil application is recommended to be done just right after a shower with your beard damp; this is mainly because of the atmospheric humidity and also not forgetting that this is the time when your skin is stripped of all-natural oils and ready to absorb in moisture.The beard should be damp, NOT wet. Take note of that. Given that you’re in a drier humid zone than your beard, for example, your beard will be draw moisture from the atmosphere due to the difference in humidity levels. Thus your beard will become drier and as a result, tend to absorb more moisture in order to replace the evaporated moisture from the end of the hair follicles. Since you have applied your beard oil, moisture will not be absorbed and in its place now the oil will be absorbed because it usually lacks the affinity for water hence moisture and the oil will move in opposite directions through the hair follicle. As a result of this difference, your applied oil will be absorbed at an optimal level by your beard and you’ll notice that even on touching your beard it will not be oily, falling in-line with the discussed above. Now when you compare this with beard oil application in the middle of the day when your beard is dry… you will notice that the beard will still be oily even hours after application of the oil.More so this technique will also save you on the cost of oil because of just a single application if the oil will help sustain a soft, impressive beard all day! This cuts the extra cost of having to apply more oil because a single oil application will be maximally absorbed by your beard and skin.
history of beards by kavemen

The Evolution And History Of The Beard

It seems, that in the past few years, beards have made a comeback in a big way. They are being accepted and allowed more and more even in strictly corporate workplaces (of course on the exception that you keep it well-groomed and professional) and have also become somewhat of a topic of interest. From No Shave Novembers to a plethora of beard grooming products, it is safe to say, that the beard has well and truly found its place in modern society. Interestingly, beards have also had a rather colourful and eccentric past and it’s nothing short of an informative, humour-drenched history page-turner. So here’s a look at what beards went through from the past to the present.Beards have also had a bit of a multi-purpose aspect to them. For example, early humans – we’re talking prehistoric days – used beards to intimidate opponents and to keep them warm. It also kept their mouths protected from sand, dirt and sun among other natural elements. In the present, a softer and more sophisticated twist has made beards the flagbearer for royalty, masculinity, status and of course, fashion.From 3000 BCE to 1580 BCE, Egyptian royalty wore a fake beard that was made of metal. It was tied above their heads with ribbons and were often dyed in tones that varied from reddish to solid browns. Strangely, these metal beards were worn by both kings and queens and apart from the possibility that it may have signified a royal trend, the purpose of this fake metal beard remains unknown.The great Mesopotamian civilizations’ beards had something in common with the modern-day beard. They groomed it well and used products such as beard oils to keep them healthy. They even used ancient curling irons to make curls, ringlets, frizzles and various tier effects on their beard. The Assyrians would dye their beards black and Persians, an orange-red hue. In Turkey and in India a person with a long beard was considered to be wise and a dignified individual, and in India this trend continues up to date, especially with the ‘babas’ who people see as wise and spiritual beings.Ancient Greece saw the beard as a sign of honour and often curled their beards with tongs to create hanging curls. Approximately around 345 BCE Alexander the Great sent out a decree that soldiers could not have beards. The reason for this being, that he worried that opponents could grab onto the Grecians’ beards and use it to their advantage (a well-founded worry, what with all those hanging, long curls). Romans preferred their beards to be trimmed and well-groomed and one Roman; Lucius Tarquinius Priscus encouraged others to use razors to increase hygiene from 616 – 578 BCE. This effort was only fully acknowledged in 454 BCE when a group of Greek Sicilian barbers travelling from Sicily to Italy setup barbershops and began shaving on the streets of Rome. Shaving eventually became the trend in Rome for everybody apart from philosophers.For Anglo-Saxons beards were the norm until the advent of Christianity in the 7th century when the clergy was required to shave legally. Even English royalty would wear their beards until 1066 – 1087 CE when William the First passed a law that made it mandatory for princes to shave in order to fit in with Norman fashion. The Crusades also saw the rise of the beards as all kind, shapes, styles and lengths of beard became normal for men to have. In 1535 the beard was considered highly fashionable among men in the world and in 1560s Anglo-Saxons started to starch their beards.Even though the Crusades were a friend to the beard, the WWI was foe. Beards were accepted and normal for men in the military until the WWI where it was absolutely killed off, thanks to the need to wear gas masks and also because of potential lice infestations that it would cause among soldiers. However the French and the psychoanalysts were the exceptions to the rule and continued to grow their beards. The 1980s however, saw, for the first time in history men of all ages and backgrounds, with completely clean-shaven faces in the majority. In the military around the world today too, beards have been accepted and sometimes prohibited. In India, the Sikh Infantry and Regiment are allowed to grow out their long beards and even longer hair provided that they ‘wear them properly’ which refers to tying them up. This is in order to facilitate the religious requirements of the Sikhs. Other military personnel can grow moustaches of moderate length and in 2003 the Supreme Court of India ruled that Muslims can grow out their beards in general. In Iraq and Iran beards of a short length are permitted if kept well-groomed although many choose to shave them today and in Israel, the IDF prohibits the beard with the exception of full beards that need to be permitted by higher-ranking officers for religious, health (hiding acne) and free will (personal esteem) as reasons. Lebanon and Nepal do not allow beards in the military today and Pakistan liberally allows for their soldiers to wear beards. In Sri Lanka, the Navy allows for full set beards only and the Army and Air Force allows for moustaches only.Beards have also come in many styles through the ages. The Chin Curtain is a style that was made popular by Abraham Lincoln which refers to facial hair grown along the jawline in a hanging fashion. American essayist Henry David Thoreau introduced the chinstrap with sideburns connected under the jaw with a thin hairline. Lemmy Kilmister, English metal-head and infamous musician introduced the muttonchops where sideburns are connected with a moustache and has no chin hair. The goatee is another popular facial hair trend.It has been found that currently that 53% of men worldwide sport a beard or some type of facial hair. The very popular No Shave November was originally created to encourage men to embrace their facial hair. Even though today, people see it as a competition to see who grows the longest beard, the goal behind this is to raise cancer awareness among men including prostate cancer and to ask men to donate to the cause, the money they would spend on grooming their beards for that month. So there you go, that’s the history and the evolution of the beard in a nutshell. It certainly looks like the beard has been through a lot and gone through its fair share of ups and downs too. Do you sport a beard? If you do, this walk down the bearded avenues of history is something that you are surely going to find rather interesting and funny. But remember, a beard will only look good and make you look good as long as you take care of it. So keep that beard rocking and look after it well. Happy Bearding!!!Sources:
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